The 12 days safari will take you to the western part of Uganda in the Lake Mburo national park, Mountains of Mgahinga for golden monkey trekking, Bwindi impenetrable national park for Gorilla trekking, Queen Elizabeth national park for the big four animals[ elephant, lion, leopard, buffalo and then to Kibale national park for chimp trekking, Murchison fall national park

Brief itinerary

Day 1. Arrival at Entebbe international airport and transfer to Lake Mburo national park

Day 2. Morning game drive in Lake Mburo national park and transfers to Mgahinga national park

Day 3. Golden monkey trekking and transfer to bwindi impenetrable national park

Day 4. Gorilla trekking in bwindi impenetrable national park and evening relaxation at the lodge

Day 5. Transfer to Queen Elizabeth national park [Ishasha sector] and evening game drive for tree climbing lions

Day 6. Morning game drive and transfer to the northern part of Queen Elizabeth national park

Day 7. Morning game drive in the Kasenyi sector of Queen Elizabeth national park and evening community walk

Day 8. Transfer to kibale national park and afternoon chimpanzee trekking

Day 9. Transfer to Murchison falls national park and evening game drive

Day 10. Morning game drive and afternoon boat cruise

Day 11. Transfer to Kampala via Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary for rhino trekking.

Day 12. Kampala city tour and transfer to Entebbe Airport for evening flight

Detailed itinerary

Day 1. Arrival at Entebbe international airport and transfer to Lake Mburo national park and evening game drive.

Your guide will pick you from Entebbe international Airport and transfer you to Lake Mburo national park located in the part of western Uganda. You will have a stopover at the equator and continue to the lodge for lunch. After lunch you will go for an evening game drive which gives you a chance to see zebras, giraffes, buffaloes, antelopes, baboons, monkeys and many more. Overnight Arcadia lodge.

Day 2. Morning game drive in Lake Mburo national and transfer to Mgahinga national park. After breakfast, you will go for a morning game drive to see more of the zebras, buffaloes, giraffes, antelopes, baboons, monkeys and if lucky to spot some leopards and hyenas going to their dens. After you will transfer to Mgahinga national park passing through the terraced hills of Kabale and kisoro. Overnight Kisoro travelers lodge.



Day 3. Golden monkey trekking and transfer to bwindi impenetrable national park. After breakfast, your guide will transfer you to Mgahinga national park for golden trekking; you will have a briefing at 8am before the trekking and then after go to meet the golden monkeys. After the trekking you will have lunch and then transfer to bwindi impenetrable national park for gorilla trekking. Overnight Broadbill lodge.

Day 4. Gorilla trekking and relaxation at the lodge. After break breakfast you will set off for gorilla trekking in the forests of bwindi, the trekking starts with the briefing at 8am and then after go to trek the gorillas where you will spend one hour with the gorillas. After trekking you transfer to the lodge for lunch and relaxation.

Overnight Broadbill lodge.

Day 5. Transfer to Queen Elizabeth national park [Ishasha sector] and evening game drive. After breakfast, your guide will pick you from the lodge and start your journey to Queen Elizabeth national park in the Ishasha sector. You will have lunch at the lodge and after lunch you will go for an evening game drive to see the lions, elephants, buffaloes, antelopes, leopard and many more animals. Overnight Topi lodge

Day 6. Morning game drive and transfer to southern part of Queen Elizabeth NP and afternoon boat cruise in the Kazinga channel. After breakfast, you will go for a morning game drive to the Ishasha sector with chances of spotting lions, elephants, buffaloes. Antelopes, leopards, baboons, monkeys and other animals plus a variety of bird species like turaccos, barbets, eagles, sterlings, weavers and after continue with your journey to the southern sector of Queen Elizabeth national park. On the way you will be able to spot many more animals, reptiles, birds. You will have lunch at the lodge and then after go for a boat cruise on the Kazinga channel to see the aquatic animals like crocodiles, hippos, elephants, buffaloes plus a variety of water birds like cormorants, kingfishers, fish eagles. Overnight Pumba Safari cottages.

Day 7. Morning game drive in the Kasenyi sector and evening community walk. After your breakfast, you will go for a morning game drive in the Kasenyi sector within the Queen Elizabeth national park, here you will have chances of seeing lions, elephants, buffaloes, warthogs, antelopes, plus a variety of bird species like sterlings, eagles, weavers, barbets and then transfer back to the lodge for lunch. After lunch, you go for a community walk to the plantations and the sighting of the twin lakes. Overnight Pumba safari cottages.

Day 8. Transfer to kibale national park and afternoon chimpanzee trekking. After breakfast, your guide will pick you and start your journey to Kibale national park. You will make a stopover on the way to see the crater lakes and then continue to the lodge for lunch. After lunch, you will go for afternoon chimpanzee trekking within Kibale national park and also get chances of seeing other primates, animals and birds. Overnight Isunga lodges

Day 9. Transfer to Murchison falls national park and evening game drive. After breakfast, you will set off to Murchison falls for 7 hour drive, you will have a late lunch at some restaurant within the park and then go for an evening game drive in the park with chances of seeing lions, leopards, hyenas, elephants, buffaloes, antelopes plus a variety of bird species like eagles, sterlings, weavers among others and transfer to the lodge for dinner.

Overnight Hornbill lodge

Day 10. Morning game drive in the park and afternoon 3 hour boat cruise. After your breakfast, you will go for an amazing game drive to search for the big fours like lions, elephants, buffaloes, leopard and other animals like antelopes, hyenas plus a variety of bird species like vultures, eagles, kites, hawks and reptiles like snakes, lizards. After go for an early lunch and then set off for a 3 hour boat ride on the Nile to animals like crocodiles, hippos, elephants on the banks plus a variety of water birds like cormorants, geese, egrets, thicknees and then go to the lodge for dinner. Overnight hornbill lodge

Day 11. Transfer to Kampala via Ziwa rhino sanctuary for rhino trekking. Wake up early morning and have your breakfast at the lodge. After breakfast, you will start a long way journey to Kampala for about 8 hours. You will make a stopover at Ziwa rhino sanctuary for rhino trekking, you will spend 1 hour with the rhinos, then have lunch and after continue to Kampala and continue to the lodge for dinner. Overnight View Inn lodge

Day 12. Kampala city tour transfer to Entebbe Airport for evening flight. After breakfast, you set off for Kampala city tour, here you will visit the markets of Nakasero, owino markets then to the independence monument and then travel to dreamjet lodge for lunch. After lunch travel to the Airport for evening flight.